Whatever discomfort or tension you’re navigating, a full-body massage can be the perfect remedy. It’s your chance to lay back, relax and let an experienced massage provider relieve aches and melt the stress away. But if you’re feeling confused about massage etiquette or unsure what to wear during your appointment, we’ve got you covered. Let’s run you through everything you need to know for your first full-body massage and the tips to help you get the most out of the session. 07427 047705
What is a full-body massage?
As the name would suggest, a full-body massage works your entire body from top to toe. This means your massage therapist will be using a range of different movements, techniques and levels of pressure to relieve tension and stress across all parts of your body. 07427 047705
While your therapist will be able to tailor your session to your needs, a full-body massage typically covers:
- Your head, including the temples, crown, scalp and occipital muscles (at the back of your head)
- Your neck, including the nape and trapezius (a.k.a. The long muscles that run down the sides and connect to your back)
- Your shoulders, including along the collar bones, shoulder blades and upper back Your arms and hands
- Your upper and lower back, an area that commonly holds stubborn tension and tightness Your legs, including your, tights, calves and feet
There are lots of different massage types, from sports massage to remedial massage as well as pregnancy massage, couples massage, Swedish massage and even Deep tissue massage, Thai Massage.
If you’re looking for a gentle, session that uses light pressure, a relaxation massage is going to be the perfect fit for you but just call us and we can help you with whats best for you.
However, if you’re looking to unwind after a work a Relaxing mind and full body massage is likely to be a better option.
The ultimate aim of a Relaxing mind and full body massage is to leave you feeling deeply resorted, and motivated to tackle your day pain-free. So whether you’re a massage newbie or a massage enthusiast looking for a relaxing full-body release, a full body massage is a great way to wind down and give yourself the self-care you deserve, We can come to your home within the Bromley area, or you can come to the bromley or shortlands Studio Shop call or text us on 07427 047705.

Here at Coconut Massage, we require all our clients to leave their underwear on for the duration of their massage. From there, you can choose what you feel most comfortable wearing.
Your Relaxing mind and full body massage therapist will come prepared with fresh towels and sheets to cover any parts of your body that aren’t being worked on during different parts of the massage. They’ll use an origami folding technique to maintain your modesty and make sure you’re covered, warm and comfortable.
Your therapist will leave the room while you undress and will leave again to allow you to get changed after the session is over. If you do choose to wear clothing, we recommend loose-fitting clothing that your therapist can work around easily.
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