Coconut Beckenham Massage, 07427 047705 Are you in need of a mobile massage in Beckenham area? Here at coconut Massage, We offer a wide range of massages and body treatments like swedish massage, deep tissue massage, Thai massage. Plus many other types of massage which will make you feel more relaxed. 07427 047705

A back BECKENHAM MASSAGE can be a wonderful way to relax and relieve tension in the muscles of the back. Here are some general steps and techniques you can use to give a basic back massage:

  1. Prepare the environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space where the person receiving the massage can lie down, such as a bed or a massage table. Make sure the room is warm and peaceful, with soft lighting and soothing music if desired.
  2. Positioning: Ask the person to lie face-down on the surface you’ve prepared. Provide them with a soft pillow or bolster to support their head and ensure their comfort.
  3. Apply oil or lotion: Use a small amount of massage oil or lotion on your hands to reduce friction and help your hands glide smoothly over the skin. Warm the oil or lotion between your palms before applying it to the person’s back.
  4. Start with effleurage: Effleurage is a long, sweeping stroke that helps warm up the muscles and relax the person. Use your palms and fingers to apply gentle pressure as you stroke along the length of their back, from the base of the spine to the shoulders. Repeat this motion several times, gradually increasing the pressure.
  5. Move to kneading: Kneading involves gently squeezing and lifting the muscles with your hands. Use your palms, fingers, and thumbs to knead the person’s back muscles in circular motions or by gently grasping and releasing the muscle groups. Focus on the areas where you feel tension or knots, such as the shoulders, upper back, and lower back.
  6. Use petrissage techniques: Petrissage techniques involve deeper, more focused movements that can help release deeper tension in the muscles. These techniques include kneading, rolling, and wringing. Experiment with different motions and pressure levels.
  7. Target specific areas: Pay attention to any specific areas where the person may experience pain or tension, such as the neck, shoulders, or lower back. Use your fingers or thumbs to apply more targeted pressure in these areas, using circular motions or applying gentle pressure and holding it for a few seconds.
  8. Finish with effleurage: After working on specific areas, return to effleurage strokes to help promote relaxation and the smooth flow of energy. Gradually decrease the pressure and speed of your strokes, ending with gentle, soothing motions. 07427 047705

Remember, everyone’s preferences and needs may vary, so it’s essential to communicate with the person receiving the massage and adjust your techniques accordingly. If the person has any medical conditions or injuries, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before giving a massage. 07427 047705

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Coconut Bromley Thai Massage, Mobile Service

Coconut Bromley Thai Massage, Mobile Service

Coconut Bromley Thai Massage, Mobile Service in Your Own Home. 07427 047705

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